
Monday, October 11, 2010

A Link for Potpourri Recipes

GailinVirginia asked in the comments section of my last post about an all green potpourri recipes.  I think I found a great link, GailinVirginia, that has all kinds of potpourri recipes and I thought I would share the link

By the way, the photo is of mountain mint (Pucnanthemum muticum).  It is an excellent herb for drying and putting the leaves in potpourri or putting in fresh arrangements.  Great for bees and other beneficial insects.

This may be the last great day for awhile!  Finally, I'm going to mow the yard.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. What a great link! Thanks, LVL! Hope all is well and that you are getting ready for the cold winter
    ;( I hate seeing the herbs start to snuggle in. Remember the never ending snow last year! Good gravy! Alyssa-Boston Bee

  2. You're welcome, BB. Yes, hope the winter for both of us is not as bad! Thanks for coming by Alyssa!


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Lemon Verbena Lady