
Sunday, October 10, 2010

One Herb That Is Flourishing!

I can always count on having lemon balm at this time of year.  I will be removing a lot of lemon balm early next year.  I'll just have to take it one plant at a time!  You have to use lemon balm fresh.  It does not dry well.  That little gray sign beside it is really for the tomato that is lurking off to the left of the photo.  We had a beautiful day today in the 80's, bright sunshine.  Raked chestnut hulls so I can mow tomorrow and now I think it might rain!  Oh well, have more lavender to process in the basement.  The new shelving looks great.  Working on some Christmas crafts in the coming weeks.  Hope you had a great day wherever you are.  Talk to you later. 


  1. I wonder why drying lemon balm doesn't work for you Nancy. I dry it all the time. Are you trying to dry it in too big of bundles? hugs

  2. The flavor just isn't the same. I gave up drying it a long time ago! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. tell me what you use lemon balm it in the mint family? I grew it one year because it was pretty....and it did really well, but I didn't know what to do with it...ideas? ;)

  4. I love lemon balm! I used it for marinades for chicken and fish, and practically every day for home-made salad dressings. I cut it and put it with my flower bouquets in the house, too.

    Thanks for this wonderful's such an inspiration.

  5. My Lemon Balm finally died off...but I love my fav Lemon Verbena which far surpasses the balm one for using fresh and simple drying and the best tea,imho:) I am wondering, is there a Bay Laurel and Lemon Verbena, maybe Rosemary etc. for an all green potporrie? I saw it somewhere in a shop but too many in line to buy it at the time:( thanks for any links or info on this.
    Thank you again for your lovely blog:)

  6. Hi all, I use my lemon balm as a filler plant in the garden, because it is everywhere! I make an iced drink with equal parts of lemon balm, lemon verbena and spearmint. It is very refreshing. Penelope has some great ideas for using lemon balm, marinades and salad dressing. I have also used it in vinegar. Here is a link GailinVirginia that had a ton of potpourri recipes:,%20How%20To%27s/potpourri.htm

    Thanks for stopping by everyone!

  7. The fragrance of lemon balm reminds me of furniture polish and I love fresh! But it has popped up everywhere this season. I am pulling out volunteers now - maybe this isn't the correct time to do that? I thought it would send more runners if I didn't.
    Our wonderful weather continues...

  8. Lemon balm seeds, TO. It doesn't run. You need to clip it back faithfully or like me you will be taking them out forever!

  9. P.S. Our wonderful weather continues until Thursday! Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady