
Friday, November 12, 2010

An Anniversary Surprise When We Got Home!

These lovelies were sitting at our back door when we got home last Monday!  They were delivered on Friday afternoon once we left for the east!  I think they survived a couple of cold nights and warm days because they were up against the house.  No, there are not from The Herbal Husband!  We have friends in Montevideo, Uruguay who send us flowers on our anniversary most every year!  Thanks to Mario, Judith and Daniel for the lovely flowers and thoughts!  Jam packed with Asiatic lilies and roses!  Adds a festive touch to our dining experiences.  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be!  We were out with the leaves and getting that last transplant into a pot.  Will share the experience tomorrow!  Talk to you later!  Got to go start dinner!


  1. Happy Anniversary Nancy & Jose!
    The flowers are beautiful, and how amazing that they waited patiently until you got home. Perhaps they represent the resilience and perseverance, patience, faith and trust that must be present in a marriage?

  2. Happy Anniversary! I am heading off to Vermont to celebrate my 20th with my husband.

    Lovely flowers!

  3. What a wonderful surprise. I'm so glad the flowers lasted so you could enjoy them. Happy Anniversary. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  4. Good friends who remember you and your special days, well, what could be better?

    Sending love and late congratulations,


  5. Thanks ladies. Yes, I was amazed that they survived. I've split it up into two containers and the buds are going to bloom! It was a beautiful bouquet! Happy Anniversary to Penelope!

  6. I hope you two had a wonderful anniversary. Cut flowers can survive quite a bit except the extreme heat.

  7. I think we had both of those, Ulrike! They are showing some wear and tear now 10 days later! The roses which sometimes for me wilt early on have held up well! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. This is the best gift to give anybody on any occasion and it is like by everyone so that would be great thing to gift that to someone.


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