
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Still Transplanting!

The Herbal Husband Ready to Get the 'Spice Island' Rosemary Out

Putting The 'Spice Island' In Its New Home

The Rosemarys in Their New Homes

You all do this.   I know you do. Just like me, you wait until the last minute to get some tender perennials in for the winter.  Well, we did a little more moving around.  Moved the prostrate rosemary into a bigger container and moved the rosemary called 'Spice Island' into the smaller container.  'Spice Island' is a more upright rosemary.  I think we did pretty well.  Never have enough room inside for herbs!  These two will be in the garage for the winter.  Southern exposure and unheated space will give the rosemarys the right mix to get through the winter.  We had a beautiful day here in the 'Burgh.  Worked out in the herb garden tidying things up.  More about that tomorrow.  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be!  Talk to you later.


  1. This weather is gorgeous! I actually have one bud on one of my azalea bushes!

  2. It's just crazy, Peggy. Thanks for stopping by. I need to get over your way!

  3. I didn't move mine fast enough, so I'm a bit envious of your handy winter stash. It kills me to purchase herbs but this year its my own fault. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  4. I know what you mean, Mary! I have an extra helper who transplants herbs I haven't even thought of! I'm a lucky girl. Thanks for stopping by! Hope the bumps are getting better! Nancy

  5. Don't I know it! I have quite a few plants sitting on the carport waiting to be planted. I put a lot into the greenhouse with some lights, but I need to "wrap" the greenhouse with the bubble wrap so it will remain a decent temperature.

  6. I did not move mine fast enough either! I wish I had a greenhouse or even a sunroom! For now, I will just stop by your blog and live vicariously through you;)

  7. I wish I had a greenhouse as well, but then we would be in more trouble! Thanks for stopping by, ladies!


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Lemon Verbena Lady