
Saturday, January 15, 2011

An Herbal Garage!

This is a big deal in our house.  We have a one car garage and at the moment not even The Herbal Husband's car is in the garage!  Trust me his car is usually in the garage the whole year round.  We have so many herbs in containers that need protection that The Herbal Husband has moved his cherished Honda out of the garage and its buried in snow!  There are scented geraniums, mints, a curry plant, silver thyme and compact sage.  There are even dwarf evergreens in the container at the bottom.

Hope you have noticed that I have pumped up My Favorite Blogs listings with some very informative and funny blogs of fans and bloggers who comment.  Hope you take a few minutes to take a trip around the world while you are visiting this blog.  Hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you are.  Here is the quote from China Bayles' Book of Days:
Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.
--Marsha Norman

Whew, we won, but did it have to be so close!  It was heart attack time!  On to the AFC Championship!


  1. Your husband is a good man. Herbs before Hondas. I look at your beautiful photo and can almost smell the earthy scents!

    Thank you so much for listing my blog on your sidebar. What an honor!

  2. Your husband IS a good man!!....Your herbs will thank you!!! Hope you are having a happy weekend!

  3. Wow, I guess your husband has scored a big one for letting you take over of the garage. :) I am so hoping to grow more herbs this next season. Hope your marmalade turns out good.

  4. It is good indeed to protect your plants in the garage, and bless your husband for moving the car out so you can do this. Now I will see which blogs you are suggesting.

  5. Bet you are doing the Happy Dance with your Steelers win!!!
    We are very, very nervous about going up against the Falcons...may be a tough game.

    Your Herbal Husband is something else...know those plants are very comfy.

  6. Well, ladies, he loves herbs as much as I do so it isn't much of a struggle for him. Just hope we can get his car started to get it back in the garage! AAA may have to be called! I think all of your blogs are on my list! Thanks for stopping by and for all of your comments and support! P.S. TO don't think you have to worry about the Packers. They are looking strong at the moment!

  7. Wow, what a game! They sure had me worried after the first half, but all is good. GO STEELERS!!!

  8. Oh how wonderful! I'm trying to not be jealous!

  9. Wish I had a garage to bring plants into. I do have an unheated basement that sorta works ok. Just a tad bit harder to get the lighting right..but it works.

  10. Yes, Char. Now comes the tough game. If we can get by this next game, I think we can get another Super Bowl!

    Thanks John'aLee for coming by.

    An unheated basement Carol is also a good place for herbs in the winter.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  11. Thanks for the link on your blogroll, I have repaid the favor on ours too. Your hubby sure sounds like a keeper!

  12. Really liked your website as well, PBF. Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady