
Friday, January 14, 2011

A Very Sculptural Herb!

This is the photo I wanted to use for my post on Aloe vera the other day.  You see, we don't pay much attention to our aloe.  We do use it because it is in the kitchen, but it has become very sculptural!  We were shopping today and we bought the grocery store out!  I don't know how we got it all put away!  It just amazes me.  The car was overflowing and it's just the two of us.  Well, it's going to snow again tomorrow in time for the Steelers/Ravens game.  Just as well, we bought out the store!  Well, I hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  The quote of the day is from my favorite, Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

 They have medicinal, artistic and culinary
values; but, traditionally, they have a
meaningful spiritual quotient as well.
--Rob Wood, Spoutwood Farm


  1. Love your aloe! So jealous of you being able to garden inside also! sigh... xxxx

  2. Thanks, CC! Is it the cats that keeps you from having plants? xxoo LVL

  3. Not really the cats. They can be trained to leave things alone. It is lack of good sun in the windows for enough time during the day. 2 large trees to the west, one to the north, 3 to the east and 2 on the south! I live in an urban forest!!! lol xoxoxo

  4. I love aloe. LOL about the grocery store I know what you mean though.

  5. Duh, CC I forgot about the trees! Makes sense now. Good to have trained cats though! When I had a cat as a child (before I knew I had an allergy), she could not be trained! xxoo Nancy

    Yes, it is an amazing plant, Peggy! We actually have a new bigger grocery store near us. We may need a trailer to get the groceries home! Thanks as always for stopping by. Nancy

  6. Beautiful aloe! A sculpture indeed. ;-)

    It seems like every time we go to the store lately it is also a stock up. This has been the snowiest season I can remember here in middle Tennessee. Of course here snow always equates with ice. I get to be my hermit self.

  7. Yes, Tennessee does have more ice than snow, Mina! I love being a hermit!

  8. Oh how I love the art which is nature!! Your aloe is looking like people right now, reaching for what ray of sunshine is to be had ;)Stay warm in all that snow!!

  9. Thanks Pammy for your comment and for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady