
Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Herbal Jungle in the Basement!

When I do the laundry or work in my workspace in the basement, I'm surrounded by fragrant trees and scented geraniums.  We have a bay rum (Pimenta racemosa), allspice (Pimenta dioica) and bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) in the back.  We switched the bay rum and the kaffir lime that was in the garage.  The bay rum needed a cooler space and room.  It wasn't getting enough water and it was drying out!  The kaffir lime in the garage was dropping leaves and needed more heat in the basement.  Hopefully it will work.  BTW, the scented geraniums are 'Logee's Snowflake' and they are in their fourth season coming up.  The lavender is a sweet one that is struggling.  I'm thinking it has had not enough water and then too much.  I may do a post in the near future about water your containers.  We have two different watering styles in this house.  It can be a problem!  Hope you are keeping warm or cool wherever you maybe.  The quote of the day is from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

Yes, in the poor man's garden grows
Far more than herbs and flowers,
Kind thoughts, contentment, peace of mind
And joy for weary hours.
--Miss Howitt
Talk to you later.


  1. Love that quote! Been watching the bird feeders off and on all day but the 'unknown' hasn't come back-Figures- I have the bird book and binoculars today! Have a great day! -Donna

  2. Yes, they fly when they see those binoculars! Thanks for stopping by, Donna!

  3. Wow..thanks for the reminder I do have plants in the basement that have been neglected too long now. Must get down there and repair what damage I can.

  4. It's easy to forget what's going on once they come inside and we have them spread out over two floors, Carol! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Your herbs are amazing. What a pleasure to have those aromas in your basement!

  6. It is pretty wonderful, Mina. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Love the new quote! And it must be so pleasant to work in an area with such fragrant plants. When I water my lavender and rosemary plants there is a whiff of summer days.
    How about those playoffs? Good luck to your team and I think our Pack will have their work cut out for them in Atlanta...will be a tough game.
    Take care & have a good Monday!

  8. This is a great quote. This year I hope to plant more herbs. I made my list yesterday. BTW can't believe we will be playing Baltimore again.

  9. That almost makes me want to come do your laundry!

  10. Having all that sweet-smelling plant life around would certainly make laundry duty a lot more pleasant.

    And even though I only have one person in my house, I have two watering styles. I seem to vacillate between complete neglect and fussy over-compensation. I got back from a business trip last night and noticed that my day lilies (which are such drama queens anyway) had fallen over the sides of the container and were gasping for breath. So now I'll probably feel guilty all week and water them every other day ... :=}

  11. Yes, TO, watering and brushing up against all of the herbs brings summer right back in a flash. As far as the football goes, I think both of our favorites will have their hands full, but I also think they have a great chance to move on as well. Stay warm and have a great week!

    Hi Char, Glad to find your blog and glad to know you are going to plant more herbs. I think it will be a close and spirited game on Saturday. We in Steeler nation will come together and all the positive energy will help them win!

    It's an exercise in patience, PBHF!

    It's very uplifting, KC-but you have to be careful of the kaffir lime's spines!

    Watering is a real issue when the Herbal Husband has a trip planned without me. I take over a couple of weeks ahead so I get used to watering and the plants adapt. It's a process.

    It really gets crowded TG in a good way!

    Thanks everyone for stopping by and your comments! Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady