
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Getting Ready for the Season!

My workspace in the basement is ready to go.  Got new shelving and composted old dried flowers and herbs.  Actually know where everything is!  Planning on doing some new tea blends and maybe some crafts for Christmas ornaments in the coming year.  I will be sharing the recipes with you.  Hopefully, it won't be a catch all as in other years.  My secretarial organizational skills need to kick in!  Another beautiful cold day here!  Watching the playoffs.  Seeing who the Steelers are going to play!  Stay warm or cool!  Talk to you later.  The quote today is from China Bayles' Book of Days:

The garden is never dead; growth is always going
on, and growth that can be seen, and seen
with delight.
--Henry Ellacombe, In My Vicarage Garden, 1902


  1. oh...looks like you're ready for a new season...

    happy to see you today, my friend

    kary and teddy

  2. It looks great! I know you will enjoy using it!

  3. You are an inspiration. Wishing you a bountiful season in all that you do.


  4. Yea for cleaning up and organizing! I wish you luck keeping it that way! lol I found that my left over dried herbs makes awesome sweet smoke in my bee smoker! Discovered that late in the season. I don't know why I never thought of that before! :) Big herbal and honey hugs to you and the herbal hubby:)xx

  5. Found your site via My Farmhouse Kitchen and so glad I did. It's a pleasure to meet you.

  6. Hi Peggy, I hope I can keep it that way. The Herbal Husband likes to sneak things on that don't belong! Say warm.

    Thanks FlowerLady. You're an inspiration as well.

    Yes, CC, it will be a miracle if it stays that way! I am always learning each day from some of my thinking. A big warm herbal hug to you!

    Go Steelers, Char! The KC/Baltimore game is fun to watch! Hope your weather warms up. Going to follow you on my favorites list.

    Thanks Mina. I've joined your fans as well! Thanks for stopping by and joining in on the herbal fun.

    Thanks to you all for stopping by!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady