
Friday, January 7, 2011

One of Those Perfect Winter Days!

It is very cold, crisp and sunny just like a New England winter day!  We are having lake effect snow at the moment.  So I wanted you to see an actual sunny day in the 'Burgh.  As I keep saying we don't have many of them in winter.  The clouds are coming back in as I write!  All the Herbal Husband's hard work shoveling is going to be up in smoke or a big snowball!  Hope you are staying warm wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  Somebody's got to remind me to give a quote!  Here it is from Mrs. Reppert's Twelve Month Herbal:

Fortune may find a pot but your own
industry will make it boil.


  1. That's a lot of snow. Y'all stay warm!

  2. It's only a teeny bit, TG! Thanks for stopping by as always!

  3. It looks beautiful! I mentioned you on my blog yesterday...I love your site!

  4. We received 4" of lake effect snow with more on the way tonight into tomorrow. Tis the season as they say!

  5. That is one beautiful site! I love to see pictures of people's gardens covered with snow. It looks so peaceful.

  6. Thanks Penelope. I will check it out!

    Peggy, I hope you don't have to shovel too, too much. It is winter for you two and us as well. I don't think we are going to have as bad a winter as last year snow wise. Maybe cold weather, but I can take that. Take care.

    Thanks Carla. I couldn't garden into the winter it just doesn't make sense to me. I enjoy seeing your garden from afar!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  7. The snow is pretty. A good day to cuddle up with a a blanket and hot beverage and browse thru the seed catalogs planning.

  8. Just had the hot beverage, Carol and the seed catalogs are in a tote bag by my chair! You must have read my mind! Have to work on getting a blanket! Thanks as always for stopping by.

  9. Your snow cover looks eerily similar to ours!! We just have to keep reminding ourselves the gardens are sleeping and resting up for the spring activity...thank goodness for seed catalogs. And I noticed our local Fleet Farm had their garden seed racks out and filled all ready! Looked kind of odd next to the leftover Christmas decorations that are on clearance.
    Take care and stay snug and warm...

  10. Nancy dear,

    I wrote you a loooooong, looooong, comment, but it disappeared. I'll sit back and check back to see if it gets posted, if not I'll try again.

    Love across the miles,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  11. Thanks TO for stopping by. Looks like we are getting your cold, cold air. The seeds and Xmas decorations are sort of like the Halloween and Xmas decorations. It will be over soon, I hope!

  12. Sometimes my comments disappear like that dear Sharon! Have read and reread the article in Country Gardens. Only wish the article could have been longer! I know 8 pages is a lot in magazines, but its never enough when talking about you and your garden. xx Nancy

  13. Lucky you, sunshine and snow! It's beautiful, and you're right- a perfect winter day:)

  14. We cherish these days in the winter, Rhonda. Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady