
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blooming Rosemary!

As I looked at my friend, Sharon Lovejoy's post this afternoon, I realized I hadn't posted about my rosemary that's blooming despite the cold weather!  It's blooming in the garage.  Always happy to see my rosemary doing well.  We did lose our 'Spice Islands' rosemary.  It was overwatered.  I think the pineapple sage also bit the dust.  As I remember, we aren't always lucky getting the pineapple sage through the winter.  Well, my handouts for my April talk are just about finished.  Just have to have a read through and maybe add one more herb!  I don't think I can do a talk without talking about cilantro!  Such an integral part of the cuisine in this house.  I have two talks coming up in March.  Lots of rain is coming Monday.  Oscars tomorrow!  Always a favorite night in our house.  Here is a long overdue quote.

A garden is living art.
From Don't Throw in the Trowel by Texas Bix Bender

Talk to you later.  Stay safe and warm or cool wherever you may be.


  1. I'm afraid my rosemary didn't make it this winter. I forgot to water most everything in the basement so I'll have to start over. I love buying new plants so it's ok :)

  2. I love to buy new plants as well Carol! Thanks for coming by!

  3. I just used up the last of my rosemary in some pizza I made last week;(....I can't WAIT for more to grow this summer:).....I am so jealous you can run out to your garden and snip some yummy herbs whenever you feel the urge!!! Lucky Lady:) xoxo

  4. Your rosemary looks vibrant! I also lost my Tuscan Blue after a number of years but my Richter's order includes replacements!
    I recently read that despite our south facing windows during the the long winters, we get the equivalent of 1/10th the sunshine compared to a normal summer wonder my seedlings get leggy...:o)
    Enjoy your soft rain - we have more snow and below zero nights...yuck!

  5. No, Melissa, not running out to the garden for rosemary. Only some of the herbs are evergreen and they have been buried with snow up until today. xxoo Nancy

    Are you very close to Richters, TO? I would love to get there some day! Unfortunately, TO, the rain is going to be heavy! Flooding is a big possibility! Sorry for your snow! Hope spring comes quick!

  6. Your rosemary is beautiful. I can't imagine it blooming in the garage. What a healthy specimen!

  7. Oh, thanks, dear Mina! We say our prayers every day! Thanks for coming by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady