
Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Cheer Me Up for You, Me and The Herbal Husband!

They were calling out my name at the new grocery store!  I don't know how they knew me as Lemon Verbena Lady!  Oh, well, they are beautiful flowers and know somehow I love herbs.  OK, enough of the weird vibe!  Just had to cheer us up and The Herbal Husband just yelled up how beautiful they are!  It worked!  Rain, rain, rain!  Been working feverishly on my handouts for April.  It's a lot of pages!  Hopefully not too many!  Then I need to get a Power Point together.  Fun to see old photos of the garden.  Hopefully the snow will be gone again over the weekend.  Hope it stays away this time, but we do have about a month more of winter!  Hope you are OK!  Praying hard for the people of New Zealand!  Hope you are as well.  Got to run.  It's lunchtime.  Will get you a quote later!


  1. Love them too... can't resist them in the spring when they start hitting all the stores.

  2. Oh they are cherry!

    Thanks for thinking of us here in New Zealand. The next few days will be hard as now they are recovering bodies, not only from New Zealand but also sadly around the world. Very very sad.
    Keep warm!
    Love Leanne

  3. What? You mean Lemon Verbena Lady is not your real name? ;-) They are beautiful and I'm sure are just what you and the Herbal Husband needed.

  4. Praying for your family, Carol.

    Just heartbreaking, Leeanne! Stay safe!

    No, Mina. It is not LVL! Ha! Yes, had to cheer us all up!

    Thanks for stopping by ladies!

  5. They are sunshine! I love primrose but it is one of those plants I take home and kill immediately. I will just enjoy yours.

  6. Hello dear friend! The flowers are so pretty!...I hope they filled you and your husband with happiness! You deserve to be surrounded by flowers! xo

  7. Your primroses are so lovely and we all know when they appear, Spring can't be far behind...
    One of my best & long time stitching buddies has a granddaughter in New Zealand - junior year abroad...she is okay but conditions are so difficult...we all have so many prayers for everyone over there.

  8. hi nancy....happy to stop by today...i saw your nice comment on octoberfarm...


    i enjoy your blog too....

    i LOVE the Happy..

    have a great weekend
    kary and l'il teddy

  9. Wow, TO! Hope your friend's granddaughter is safe! It must be very difficult! Such a beautiful place!

    Your posts always make me happy, Kary! Needed the flowers for a cheer up! It's snowing again! Thanks for stopping by.

    A big pat for all of the doggies in your lives! TO's shelties and Kary's l'il Teddy!

  10. One of my many favorites is primula! Hope you have a beautiful day with your new found beauties.

  11. Getting more snow, Carla, but I'm enjoying the blooms inside! Thanks for coming by.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady