
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Yikes! Back to Square One!

Well, I thought I might make progress on deciding what herbs to move around in the herb garden and which ones would get a toss in the compost!  Wrong again.  Old Man Winter is just hanging in there!  I heard on the news yesterday that we in the northern areas are going to have a cold spring!  What!  It just keeps going and going!  There is a beautiful blue sky today and we don't often have a New England kind of day when it snows.

It was a wild snowstorm/blizzard kind of feel yesterday.  We went to the movies.  Don't ask what we saw.  It was one I would just rather forget and it had subtitles as well!  We came out of the movies and there was an inch of snow on the car!  Fortunately I drove home, because if The Herbal Husband had, we may have not been here today.  Just saying!  I drive for your safety and mine!  He is a very sweet man until you get him in a car and then all heck breaks loose!  Well, I'm off to do my handouts for my April class at the community college.  Going to have a big wad of paper for them to take home!  Probably will break the copying budget at the local extension office.  Usually do!

I just have to give a shout out to our great road maintenance crew in our township.  We do pay a lot of tax and they masterfully put the salt out so we get safely around the township.  You can really see the difference when you go through different municipalities.  So, hope wherever you are you are safe and warm.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of New Zealand today.  Have always wanted to go there.  Still hope to some day.  The quote of the day and because I'm thinking about soil these days is from Don't Throw in the Trowel by Texas Bix Bender:

The real lowdown on gardening is . . . dirt.
Talk to you later.


  1. We ended up with about 4", further south had 8" so I'm glad we're here. We had ice before it, but not as much as a week ago thank goodness. I don't start in my garden until April.

  2. Burrrrr..shiver.... It's cold here today but at least we have no white stuff.

  3. Glad you didn't get our mess, ladies! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hope you do get to come to New Zealand - it is a beautiful country! Very sad for Christchurch folk.

    I wonder if our summer will be longer if your winter longer? Or will we also have a long cold winter.

    Keep warm. I'll wish you over some of our sunshine - it is beaming this morning.

    Love Leanne

  5. Thanks Leanne! I just hope you don't have such a long winter as we have had, except for January 1 and a few days recently, we have been below zero (32 degrees) for us. Take care, dear.

  6. You look like us...I am trying to handle this with civility but it is a bit of a stretch! :o)

  7. OOOOOH Honey,

    Spring IS coming. Don't give up now. Soon you'll be overwhelmed by weeds and dreaming of snow.



  8. The weather man reminded us there was snow in Dallas/Fort Worth last year on March 20th... that seems along ways away on a bright warm sunny day in February.

  9. I know I'm just ready to spit snowballs, TO!

    I know you are right, Sharon! Thank goodness I don't have to commute!

    Isn't that just like the weatherman! They thought we would get 6 inches of snow. We got 8!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  10. hello my friend!....I agree, will spring EVER get here??...I am ready to get my hands dirty!! :) xo

  11. Aw up here in the Pacific Northwest we've got our 3rd dumping of snow this morning - but so far the other 2 dumps have gone away in a day. Our daffs and crocus are just coming up too, dang!

  12. Really, Melissa, I need a lot of cheering up! I have had my hands dirty a bit, but always want more!

    Hi Heather, sounds like you have had what we have had this season. I didn't have a chance to see whether the daffs or crocuses were up yet and it snowed again!

    Thanks you two for stopping by and cheering me up!

  13. Bless your heart! I hope you get a break soon. I love winter and a point. Then I begin to whine and complain.

    What is it about normally sweet hubby's who go into road rage behind the wheel? Mine does the same thing. It's like he gets this additional jolt of testosterone... and not the good kind either.

    I truly hope your area warms up and you can continue your plans on your herb garden.

  14. The Herbal Husband's excuse is that he is from South America. They are all crazy drivers there! Oh, it will happen, but I'm having cabin fever a little too much this year! Thanks for stopping by, dear!

  15. Our 18 inch snow stayed on the ground for 16 days. We had one gorgeous day and my hubby worked like a fiend cleaning up the yard. Then cold, now rain and snow coming. Up to 8 inches they say. Sigh... springs a comin' though, a little Robin told me xx

  16. Hi CC! Well, I have got a present for us both! Check out my next post! Thanks for stopping by as always!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady