
Thursday, February 10, 2011

It Clears Out The Sinsues-Horseradish Jelly!

The Herbal Husband was sneezing and irritated by my jelly making today and he was upstairs out of the way!  It didn't faze me and I was standing over it stirring!  The Horseradish Jelly recipe says it makes 7-8 oz. jars.  I was ready for some extra jelly!  As you can see, it made four additional 4 oz. jars.  I'm going make myself a sandwich for lunch tomorrow with roast beef, some light mayo and a bit of jelly.  I'll let you know how it is.  If you would like the recipe, I will add it later.   A quote from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

Only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find his right road.
- Dag Hammerskjold (Former UN General)

Mighty cold here still!  Hope you are warm wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Well it definitely sounds different that's for sure. Let me know how the sandwich taste.

  2. I just found out that "Horseradish" is the Herb of the Year for 2011!!! - sad to say I am not very fond of anything with a "bite" to it. I do sell horseradish plants during our Herb Faire though...Happy Jelly Making...

  3. I just don't know if I am brave enough to taste a horseradish jelly. I'll wait until I get your opinion on the sandwich.

  4. GOOD GIRL!!!!

    I'm game for it.

    Love the recipe although I dug up my horseradish out in California, but in Maine we have a 60 year old patch that is HUGE.

    Love to you,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  5. Well, Judy, I'm not so thrilled that horseradish is the herb of the year, but having said that the jelly was very good.

    Mina, I had a bit on my roast beef sandwich with some mayo and really enjoyed it. The Herbal Husband and I just had a bit of Laughing Cow cheese and crackers with some on top. It kept sliding off! It was delicious though. The sweet of the sugar tempers the bite of the horseradish.

    You were lucky Sharon to remove your patch from California! I heard someone tried to rototill it out and got millions of bits! The jelly is good, I'll pass along the recipe over the weekend in a post.
    xxoo Nancy

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  6. Ok this is a recipe I should have. ...would love if you post it. I love horseradish.

  7. LVL,

    Not so sure this is something that would go over well in my house but, I, like you am willing to try anything once. This past summer I made jelly out of Queen Anne's Lace and it was not an experience I need to relive! Ack!

  8. Hi Deb, it really is very easy to do and it was very tasty and not too spicy. Heat defuses the bite of horseradish. It is still spicy but if you use cream cheese or mayo, it moderates the spice slightly! I have heard of Queen Anne's Lace jelly! Sorry you had a bad experience! Hope you have a great Valentine's Day! LVL


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Lemon Verbena Lady