
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tufa Girl Found The Steelers A New Mascot!

If you click on the photo, we have a new mascot as well.  A squirrel up on our roof has made a home in the ivy.  Yes, that is ivy growing over the top of our roof line.  We have to get ourselves in control this spring! On to some important stuff for this week only.  You see we are in the middle of Super Bowl week here.  That's all we are talking about at the moment.  My friend,  Tufa Girl's New Found Mascot for the Steelers!  His name is Iggy!  Thanks to Fort Worth and Tufa Girl for hosting our Steelers!  Colder in Texas than it is here!  Who would have thought it!  No ice for us.  Very happy about that!  Hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you may be.  A quote from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

I garden, therefore I am...
--Anna Pavord, Gardening Companion


  1. I love seeing ivy on the sides of houses like that. I tried to grow some on mine but my husband kept pulling it out. Took me awhile to figure out what was going on. Sometimes I'm slow.

  2. Arrgh, bitter cold here today! I hope the Terrible Towel is enough to keep Iggy warm through this week. Thank you for the link!

  3. So nice to see that squirrel. It's feeling quite at home there !!
    I love Iggy, what a great sight !!
    Have a wonderful day.

  4. I wish the ivy were pulling down. We need help, Carol! Stay warm!

    It was a great post, TG! Just had to link my readers to it more directly!

    Yes, ME, a little too at home! We might have to find a way to bring Iggy to Pittsburgh when the Steelers win the Super Bowl! You have a wonderful day too!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  5. What a sweet picture. I know, the little guy could cause a few problems but he is cute.

  6. We're hoping he hasn't already, Mina! Thanks for stopping by!


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