
Friday, March 4, 2011

Another Yippee Kind of Day!

Here are four yippee kind of moments!  I thought there were only a couple and then I found a couple more!  Yippee!  Spring is just around the corner.  Off to see The Adjustment Bureau with Matt Damon and Emily Blunt and to Red Robin for hopefully, a free burger for his birthday.  Don't have that darn Rewards Card so I think we will have to beg!  Have sort of dropped the quotes.  I'll get back to it soon!  Talk to you later.


  1. We've spotted little tufts of green shoots sprouting from the brown earth. It is truly exciting! The days, although cold, seem brighter too. There is hope!

  2. I love the springtime! Happy to see some color coming for you. Enjoy your day out to the movies and Red Robins.

  3. I love the springtime! Happy to see some color coming for you. Enjoy your day out to the movies and Red Robins.

  4. Isn't it so exciting to see those first few blooms? Hope you enjoy your movie. I love Matt Damon. He is such a great actor.

  5. You have bare ground! I will continue to get my Spring "fix" by visiting your garden...

    Hope you have a good "dinner and a movie" evening...:0)

  6. It has been a long winter this time, Rosemary! Thanks for stopping by!

    Yes, the movie was very good and so was Red Robin! Thanks Carla for stopping by!

    It was very exciting, dear Mina! The movie was very good as well. I really like Matt Damon as well.

    Still snow for you, TO! We had a very good time!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  7. We went for a walk yesterday in spring sunshine here in the UK, but out of the sun it's still very cold. I noticed with delight the first mini daffodils are poking up in the garden and bits of green and buds are popping up everywhere, I love this time of year when the earth is waking from it's winter dreaming, seems to have overslept this year though lol!

    Herby Hugs - Debs

  8. Oh, I missed this comment, Debs! Yes, it is exciting every year! Getting snow tonight and tomorrow, but it is March in the 'Burgh! Thanks for stopping by! Herby Hugs to you, Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady