
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine-A Journey to Fenton House!

Here are the additional photos of Fenton House in Hampstead, England.  The first three were during the walk to the house from the Tube Station.  The next ones around the house and inside.  The last photos are of the three distinct gardens, the formal, the perennial borders and the kitchen garden.  It is really a lovely house and gardens and one if you are in the London area, you should not miss.  My English Herbal Companion and I had a great time. This is my last post on my England trip from last September.  Here is the link to the guest post called Herbal Travels:  The Fenton House Garden in England.  Hope you have a great day.  Talk to you later.
Found my Favorite, Lemon Verbena on the Way to Fenton House
The English Make Good Use of the Window Box for an Herb Garden!
What Not to Do With Trees in Containers!  Not Part of Fenton House!
The Front Gate of Fenton House
Big Bowl of Lavender as a Room Freshener
A View of the North Garden from the House
A Yew Hedge Forms the Entrance to the Gardens
Quite a Lavender Hedge!
A View of the Cross Borders.  I Spy Some Purple Sage!

Staircase to the Rose Garden with a Thyme Surprise!
The Rose Garden

 A Glasshouse

 A Flower Border in the Kitchen Garden!

The Orchard Waiting for the Apple Festival

 One of My Favorite Edible Flowers, Sunflowers!

 Nice Looking Lettuces for September!

My Favorite, Lemon Verbena
Part of the Herb Garden

 A Peek Over the Wall into the Kitchen Garden


  1. It is such a nice gardens. I like all the trees and flowers. Lemon verbena is used in teas, to add flavor to fish, chicken, salad dressings, etc. The herb helps in reducing fever caused due to flu.

  2. I love putting herbs next to steps. Decorative and a nice scent as you brush by.

  3. Lovely pictures and thank you so much for sharing your trip with us. Now I'm off to read the article.

  4. These photos are gorgeous! I love the many gardens and the unique outlay.

  5. Thank you for sharing your photos from your wonderful trip. My dream trip! One day I will get there. I just love the way their herb gardens look.
    Have a beautiful day Nancy. Nice to see the snow is gone on your Home page photo!

  6. Thanks for the information on lemon verbena! Probably should talk about it more often!

    Yes, Cindy, I love to brush up against herbs. It is a wonderful perk from them.

    Thanks Carol for your kind words. Hope you enjoy the article!

    Glad you enjoyed the photos and the gardens, Mina.

    Thanks Carla. I hope some day soon you get to England. It is a magical place. Got to run out and take a new photo of the herb garden. Even less snow than in the current one.

    Thanks for stopping by everyone!

  7. Hi Nancy :)

    Another delightful looking place to visit that I'd never heard of! Mind you I don't often go to London, but I'll add Fenton House to my to visit list so if we're ever up that way I can go see :) Let me know next time you visit the UK and I'll see if I can organise a meet up somewhere with some of the other UK herb bloggers, that would be fun I think!

    Herby hugs - Debs x

  8. Oh, that would be great, Debs! I'll let you know!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady