
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hey, Just Waiting for the Snow!

This was the other day and my buddy the squirrel was hanging out on the windowsill grooming!  It is raining out today and more snow is headed this way for tomorrow!  Still March in the 'Burgh and just in time for the St. Patrick's Day parade on Saturday!  Hopefully you are having a great day wherever you may be!  Working on my Power Point presentation for my April talk!  Yesterday I thought I had to start over, but fortunately I didn't!  Talk to you later!


  1. Good luck with your presentation. What do you do? So ready for spring here and I know you are too.

  2. Must be a lot of Irish love here in the Dallas area. North Texas Irish Festival was last weekend and this Saturday is the St. Patrick's Day parade at another location. I wonder is there will be any green food coloring left by the 17th.

  3. Thanks Becca. I'm doing Herb Gardening 101 in April. I know that spring is near! We were in the 50's today, but the temperature is dropping tonight before the snow starts!

    You must have a lot of Irish transplants. Although isn't everyone Irish on St. Paddy's Day, TG? We just have a lot of drunk people at the Home and Garden Show which is also on Saturday! It doesn't make me want to go to the parade or the home & garden show!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  4. WE might get snow this week end too..only a dusting they say...that's what scares me :( "they" are usually wrong..

  5. Isn't that the truth! They have been wrong a whole lot lately, Carol! Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and warm!

  6. Would Mr. Squirrel like to come over to our house and play with our Mr./Ms. Squirrel that eats my strawberries? They could have a picnic this summer on the ONE strawberry plant I'm going to leave without some kind of cover.

  7. Wow, Julie! Your squirrels have good taste. I know the birds get our strawberries, but I have never heard of a squirrel eating them! Good grief something else to worry about!

  8. What a lovely photo! I love long as they are on that side of the window.

  9. Yes, Mina, if they are inside, it is not good!


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Lemon Verbena Lady