
Friday, March 11, 2011

More March Snow in the 'Burgh!

Woke up to heavy, wet snow this morning!  But it is nothing when we think of the people of Japan and the tragedy that happened there today!  Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Japan today in their time of need.  We continue to pray for the people of New Zealand.  Talk to you later.


  1. true true Nancy:( so sad all the tragedy around the world in recent times. I thought we might end up getting some more snow. We had been quite chilly, damp and overcast for just days, with ocassional snowflake, but today, sunshine:) xx

  2. Our snow never made it and that is not a complaint.
    I've been thinking about and praying for all of those people all day. It's getting scary out there.

  3. Good, Carol. Glad you don't have to shovel anything else! It is getting very scary!

  4. I agree - we are having more snow this morning, but it is quiet and gentle and we have a snug roof over our heads...and prayer lists grow longer...

  5. It's just unbelieveable, TO! New photos coming!

  6. My thought exactly. It is such a tragedy.

  7. It continues to be sad! Thanks for stopping by Mina!


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