
Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Roller Coaster Ride and A Big Addition to My Parsley Post of February 28th!

Yikes, with sincere apologies to Barbara Swain, I have finally added 3/4 cup of lightly packed chopped parsley to the parsley salad recipe!  I kept reading the 3/4 cup minced celery as parsley!  Sorry Barbara!  Everything is corrected FINALLY!

As you can see the snow went bye-bye last night and it's in the high 40's or low 50's here today.  The sun is out.  It's looking good.  The rivers are receding, I think.  As I keep saying to you, it is March in the 'Burgh!  In the final stages of getting my handout together for April and still working on my PowerPoint.  It's a lot of work.  Second presentation on Wednesday.  Should be fun.  Similar to the garden club last week.  Well, I've got my handouts proofread so I need to correct them.  Talk to you later.


  1. This weather makes it impossible to get anything is so finiky!! I am ready to start cleaning up my garden beds soon though!...I can't wait to see what comes back this spring...I did soooo much planting last summer! Keep enlightening me, my friend!

  2. This has been a wild weather ride. I can't even think about cleaning out until April.

  3. we have had wild rainy , windy weather and yesterday we had a tsunamie warning. Life is never dull living on the coast either lol.

  4. My bulbs are all popping up, ladies! It won't be long now! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I finally got out today and raked a few perennial beds and the herb garden. It felt so good to be doing something other than looking at garden magazines!

  6. Not quite there yet, Cindy! Hope to do some of that soon! Thanks for coming by!

  7. I hope the snow is done with you now. Can't wait to see things green up around you now. Good luck with your presentation. It sounds like a lot of fun. I like stuff like that.

  8. Thanks Becca! Getting warmer outside even as we speak!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady