
Saturday, April 16, 2011

From One Grimy Girl to Another, Thanks Sharon!

I'm a glove wearing member of Sharon Lovejoy's Grimy Girls Hands Club.  Look what I got in the morning mail.  Seeds for Italian Pesto Basil from Renee's Garden and beautiful postcards that Sharon drew herself.  Her business card is even a small book.  Very nice surprises, Sharon.  Hopefully we will get the seeds in later.  We don't have a lot of room in our house to grow seeds indoors and the weather is much too volatile and too early for basil to grow.  Here is a link to my post on basil I just recently did.

Got some surprises to share and my award with master gardening.  Hopefully, I will be linked up with my old computer later today and will be able to download some photos I took recently.  Going to start raining again shortly.  I wish I could send some rain to Texas.  We have a 5 and 1/2 inch surplus and going to get an inch and more today!

BTW, in the movies we have seen in recent days, Win, Win which you should see, see and Jane Eyre which was very good as well.   Don't bother seeing Certified Copy.  It was a snoozer even with Juliette Binoche.  Well, I hear the rain on the kitchen vent.  Going to get on to inside work.  Talk to you later.


  1. The postcards look charming; I love her garden sketches. I planted basil yesterday, one of our favorite herbs.

  2. What wonderful surprises to receive in the mail! Her art looks beautiful.

  3. Lucky girl, Terra. Basil is a favorite of mine as well.

    Mina, her artwork is very playful and I really love it in her books and articles. I first spotted Sharon in Country Living Gardener magazine and have been a fan ever since.

    Thanks for stopping both of you!

  4. So glad you like your Grimy Hands Girls' Club packet.

    I'm shocked that the weather is still so rotten. In Maine they're having a tough time too. My girlfriend said it was 28 last night. She thought it was all behind her.

    I am mostly working on my new book, but also gardening early early in the morning and sometimes at night. In between I am constantly peeking at the hummingbird babies. Fingers crossed, the jays and crows that follow me around are NEVER sent their way.

    All joys to you...ah, computers,



  5. Yes, it is hard to believe we haven't started to float away yet. Can hardly wait to see your bird book. Will be delightful as usual and very informative. We cleaned out our boxes, but haven't seen any activity as of yet. The birds in the front are grabbing what they can from cuttings we make etc. Always fun to see the goings on. Still getting used to this keyboard. I'm striking the wrong keys. Very frustrating for an old secretary! Take care dear Sharon. Always lovely to hear from you. xxoo Nancy

  6. Thanks for your nice comment about my Easter header.

    I planted my summer herbs this week and thought of you. My herb garden consists of parsley, thyme, and basil. I have a summer squash soup that I use basil and thyme in.

    Glad to hear your comment on Jane Erye. Can't wait til Friday when Water for the Elephants comes out.
    Even though I wasn't crazy about the book, I really want to see the movie.

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  7. Sounds really good Sharon, the soup with basil and thyme. Two of my faves. Hope you like the recipe I'm going to give you in my next post. We are looking forward to seeing Water for Elephants. Looks very good. Don't have much time for regular reading. Lucky you planting your herbs! Have a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Another snow covered Sunday here - I also received Sharon's Grimy Hands Packet and will be wearing gloves:o)
    So much want to see Jane Eyre - it my topmost favorite book of all time. Our local movie houses tend towards much more teen type movies & consider Jane Eyre to be unimportant. I will purchase the DVD when available.

  9. We are sisters from another time and place, TO. We just have more than one movie, but it is difficult to get to all them. You will love Jane Eyre. Very well done.


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Lemon Verbena Lady