
Friday, April 15, 2011

Now Is The Time to Clean Up The Herb Garden!

I think this is a photo of feverfew that have invaded the herb garden.  Oh, I planted it first and now they are silently taking over.  It is a double blooming form and I actually like the single flower much better.  This one is coming up through a lavender.  So out it will come and be transplanted to a more spacious location.  No., not the compost pile.  I promise. 
This rosemary santolina needed to be trimmed a little.  Can't believe this is a four year old plant!  I usually work just after it is through blooming to cut it back so it is ready for winter.  It has always worked very well.  It has yellow button type flowers that if you cut them early dry very well for arrangements.

It is ready for its closeup!  Well, it is a beautiful day out there and The Herbal Husband is upstairs taking a break.  So I think I will work on getting some more garlic chives out of my her garden.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. I picture you out working...the fragrances mingling as each area is attended to...alas, picture me waiting for the snow to start tonight...sigh...

  2. Unbelievable, TO! When will it end? Can't believe snow is in your forecast! We have an inch and a half of rain forecast! Won't be good for the rivers. The ground is really soggy so it won't take much for it to flood. Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady