
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Eat Your Roses, Please!

My gardening friend and "Mrs. Know It All" from the Organic Gardeners radio program on KDKA 1020 on Sunday mornings, Denise Schreiber has just written a new book called Eat Your Roses...Pansies, Lavender and 49 other Delicious Edible Flowers.  Denise got me thinking about edible flowers way back in the early 2000's when she started her Edible Flowers Fest at the Buffalo Inn in South Park.  The first one was free and I think there were more than 200 people there.  It was the first time I spoke in front of that many people!  Now this year will be the 11th Edible Flowers Fest and it is $20.  If you are in the Pittsburgh area and haven't been, now is the time to go.  It will be held on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 7:15 PM.  Denise goes all out with the food and it is always a delicious event.  Nancy Knauss from the Allegheny County extension office will demonstrate how to make an edible flower container.  You can check out the menu from far away by clicking the link above.  Looks good again this year, Denise.  The book has lots of good information and delicious recipes, but also makes you aware that there are inedible flowers and you have to be careful.  It is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Borders.  So check it out!
My roses are just glorious at the moment.  One rainstorm could end it, but for now they are blooming their buds off!  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  More Canada photos soon!


  1. I would love to incorporate roses into menus. Do you have any recipes?

    Your roses look wonderful to me.


  2. I think I'll throw some rose petals into tomorrows salad and see what Hubby has to say about that :) He's already convinced I'm going to poison him some day ....

  3. Hopefully, I'll have some recipes for you soon, FlowerLady.

    Carol, The Herbal Husband always thinks I'm trying to poison him! He is not too good of a guinea pig, herbal or otherwise!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady