
Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's An Embrassing Fact About Eating Roses!

FlowerLady asked what my favorite recipe was using roses!  I hate to admitted it, but we don't eat our roses as much as we should!  I have a lot of one time blooming roses.  My mistake.  Although my Rosa rugosa 'Alba' has now started to bloom and it is a most delicious rose and a repeat bloomer, that I will use in my salads.  Just the petals.  The petals have a white tip that you should cut off before eating because it is bitter.  I have never made rose petal jam or jelly.  I think I just love the rose smell outdoors and if I cut too many, I won't have that rose fragrance any more!  By the time I think I should be making it, they are gone for the season.  I just found this recipe for rose muffins on The Herb Companion website.  I love muffins and I think FlowerLady does as well and maybe you do too!  It's just not as easy as putting rose petals in the muffin mix, but maybe it is!  It makes rose jam and that jam goes into the muffins.   I'll get back to you on how this worked and with some other recipes soon.  In the meantime, here is a great edible flowers article from Cathy Wilkinson Barash who also wrote a book about edible flowers some years ago.  Still hot, hot, hot in the 'Burgh.  Talk to you later.


  1. Still hot hot hot here too. I was up early in the garden and will be going back out now that the shade has covered the area I want to work in.

  2. Hot here but the humidity is low. Kinda like a blow torch. Got to see Cathy Wilkinson Barash at one of the festivals at my old job. It was alot of fun. I will be looking forward to your rose recipe trials.

  3. We have finally cooled down, but it was awful! I hope you cool down soon!

  4. I always forget about edible rose petals - thinking first of potpourri use.

    Yesterday we were 40 degrees cooler than Wednesday & the same for today with much needed rain - and my mulch is in place - I'm whipped! But happy!

  5. It is cooling down, ladies. I do think of potpourri first when I think of rose petals, TO. TG, I'd better hurry if I'm going to make the jam. The rain took out a lot of petals! Thanks to all of you for stopping by as usual! Have to get around for a visit with you all!

  6. Just stopping by to say I thoroughly enjoyed your blog and loved all the pictures. Being from Kentucky we are simply hot and humid or wet and hot.
    I have actually never thought of using roses as food. Does it taste like it smells and now will have to research nutritional value LOL ? I too think and use rose potpourri in my clothing drawers.


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Lemon Verbena Lady