
Sunday, June 19, 2011

An Homage to Jekka!

Did I mention Jekka's coming this week to Pittsburgh?  Oh, yes, I think I did!  Patricia Lowry did a wonderful article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Thursday about Jekka.  I think she will be pleased.  Here is a link to the article called Jekka's Herb Cookbook.  I cooked the two recipes for dinner this evening.  They were both hits with The Herbal Husband and me.
The Herbal Husband Found the Biggest Purslane in His Garden!

Purslane and Spinach Salad

Oregano and Lemon Pan-Fried Chicken with Mashed Potatoes
It is a long article about Jekka and the recipes are included.  We added some arugula to the salad for some kick because we didn't have a whole lot of purslane.  What we did have, we enjoyed.  I think you will enjoy both recipes of them.  Jekka's Herb Cookbook is available at all of the big bookstores and at with beautiful photos by Hannah McVicar, her daughter.  I have a busy week with the Herb Society in town.  I'll try to blog about my adventures.  Hot and humid here.  No Rain!  We need it badly!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Well that meal certainly looks delicious!
    It's hot and humid here too... we did get some much needed rain so we are lucky there.

  2. We got rain as well, Carol. Thanks as always for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady