
Monday, June 20, 2011

It All Started With This Photo!

I sent this photo into the photo contest for Renee's Garden Seeds.  They are a favorite seed company of mine.  This wasn't quite the photo they wanted, but I thought I would give them a laugh for the day!  Lookie what I got in the mail over the weekend.  I'm not sure that I won, but free seeds at any point makes it feel like I won!
The June e-newsletter will have the winners!  Since my photo wasn't of your kitty eating their cat treat seeds, I sorta think I got a consolation prize, but it was free!  I was correct.  Kitty was only hoping for Cat Treat seeds and thinking about them while sitting in the bush!  Very muggy outside!  It finally rained overnight and some people got flooded!  Can't win!  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later!


  1. I know what you mean. I got the same feeling when I won free pepper seeds from the seed of the month club. It was for a picture of my Serrano peppers growing nicely.

    The same month, I won a propane mosquito repellent lantern for a picture of me with my lillies. It was printed in the National Home Gardening How-To magazine. I didn't get that issue, so I haven't seen it yet, but others have commented that they saw it.

    Who needs the lotto when we can get free gardening goodies, eh?

  2. Couldn't have said it better, Carol! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Free seeds sounds good to me. Next time you come to Chagrin Falls let me know and I will drive over to meet you. Norm will be moving into his new place this week.

  4. I'll take free seeds any day! :)

  5. Renee's Seeds are good aren't they? I tried a few different seed companies this year and had some issues with germination... of course we have had a wacky spring season too. But I have always found Renee's to be very reliable so she'll get most of my order next time!
    Enjoy your packet - free ones are a treat!

  6. i love those renee seeds too

    happy to see you at farmhouse kitchen today, my friend

    sending love,
    kary and teddy

  7. Thanks Kary and dear Teddy for stopping by. xxoo Nancy

  8. Hey I want free seeds ! LOL. Congrats on your prize.

  9. I didn't even ask for them Corinne! Amazing when you don't ask! Thanks for stopping by!


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