
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We Hit The Ground Touring!

The Brussels Train Station
Lunch on the Thalys Train
In Den Rustwat Restaurant in the Arboretum Trompenburg
The sign in the train station says Amsterdam.  Although we were on our way to Rotterdam the very first day after an all night flight.  The middle photo is lunch on the Thalys train. We stopped at the Arboretum Trompenburg which is one of 16 botanical gardens in Holland once our friends picked us up from the train.  It is near the center of Rotterdam, but as it says in the brochure, it is an oasis of repose.  I would definitely be in this garden every day if I worked in the center of Rotterdam.  This first photo is of the restaurant where I found a beautiful little herb/vegetable/flower garden.  I'm going to do an additional post for The Herb Companion about it.  Here are some of my favorite photos of the Arboretum.
Mixed Border of Perennials

More Perennial Borders

A Bridge to a New Part of the Arboretum
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'
Yuccas About to Bloom
Thought the Heron Was a Statue!
Another Beautiful Vista

This One is a Statue!
More Wildlife
A Great Recycling of Bottles!
Even Sheep Grazing!

Wish My Astilbes Looked This Good!
What You Expect at the Arboretum, Mature Trees!
The Rhododendrons Still in Bloom!
It was a wonderful day and hopefully, I'll get my post for The Herb Companion finished in the next day or so and you will see the herbs I found in the Arboretum Trompenburg.  Hope you had a great day.  Celebrated my best friend's birthday at lunch today.  Worked a little in the garden!  Lots to do!  I'll be sharing some of the cleanup with you later in the week.  Talk to you later.



  1. Everything looks beautiful :) Can't wait to see more.

  2. Oh Wow! I'm there with you! But I think you're trying to fool us with the photo of the "train food." I ride trains in USA, but never, never saw anything as glorious as your plate.

    Must run to Oklahoma now. No, this is a wind-up of the areas of U.S. I missed with Toad Cottages & Shooting Stars. Bird book has two weeks of art work to go and then re-writes (I hope there aren't many).

    Maine soon. Love to you and love reading about the journey.



  3. You could have fooled me with the train food. It looked like lunch at a 4 star restaurant. Question... do you have a list or globe marking all the lovely gardens you have visited?

  4. Beautiful pictures. I spent three years in Germany and got to finish other places, usually by train. But I would have to admit, some had good and decent food, but nothing looked like yours. Man it looks yummy.

  5. Thanks ladies. Food going was better than the food coming back! I should do a map of the gardens I have visited, TG! Maybe you can help me with it!

  6. Great photos and the bottle trail edging is fabulous! What a innovative way to recyle! And the rhodies still in bloom...amazing.

  7. I thought it was a very creative way to recycle. Thanks TO for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady