
Friday, July 29, 2011

Had To Have Some New Herbal Babies!

Well, we couldn't stay away from the garden center.  We went in search of veggies and herbs in JULY!  There wasn't much left, but we did find some brave survivors.  A few more herbs than veggies.  Got some nice basil that we already had to have a tomato, basil, feta, olive and avocado salad for lunch.  The Herbal Husband also found a couple of different pepper plants.

I also had some die back in my herb garden.  Although typical, The Herbal Husband and I are having a disagreement about the life expectancy of my rosemary santolina.  Of course, it bloomed while we were away and now it is three-quarters brown and dead.  I'll show you some photos in the next days.  I may ask your opinion about the matter.  There are some other plants that did not make it as well.  Weeds always do well when you are away!  We got three inches of rain last night and I just heard some more thunder so we may get some more today!  It is great to pull weeds out after a rain.  I have a lot to pull!  Well, I will show you where the new herbal babies are going in coming posts.  Busy, busy, herbally speaking!  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. hi nancy...happy to stop by would love it over here at farmhouse kitchen..we have been busy having more new flower beds put in...looks so pretty with all the flowers

    have a great summer weekend

    kary and teddy

  2. Just lead us down the garden path & we will follow!
    I heard a Master Gardener once say that the average attention span for a typical casual gardener is about 4-6 weeks before they lose interest. Since we are both still buying plants does that make us "non typical casual."

    I wish for much longer summers.

  3. I have a ton of weeds to pull and would love for some rain to help me. Seems like the heat has not affected the weeds much at all...but it's kept me inside while they grew by leaps and bounds :(

  4. I've got to come for a visit. Thanks for stopping dear Kary and Teddy! xxoo Nancy

    That's a good one, TO! I would say we are the non typical casual gardeners! Hope this heat goes away soon!

    I hope you get rain as well, Carol. The rain does really well with the weeds, but my weed is in the form of garlic chives! They are everywhere in my garden!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  5. LOL about the dead and dead. I guess I need to take a picture of the dead tree we have in the back before it is taken down.

  6. We were working on the rock wall today, Peggy. Photos shortly. Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady