
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Always Glad to See These!

We usually have an early crop of raspberries from last year's canes.  Between our July trip and the heat though, there were very few or no early raspberries.  These were delicious!  So I have been in search of jelly jars to make sure I have enough for the incoming crop.  Yippee!  Have to get back to my handouts for The Zen of Making Herbal Jelly.  I'm not so sure there will be much zen, but hopefully there will be a lot of good information exchanged!  Beautiful day outside.  Should be out there!  It's been one of those years!  Hope you are having a great day everywhere you may be.  Talk to you later. 


  1. I planted a raspberry bush last yr. It was a cheap half dead one I bought on a whim. Since I never grew them I figured if this plant didnt make it, I didnt lose much.

    To my surprise it settled in and grew and even gave me 4 berries before the season was done.

    This yr. Its growing like crazy and taking over the raised bed its in.....and I think Ill let it since it will hide the compost pile. And this yr it gave me about 10 berries. I cant wait till I get enough to make jam!

  2. Good for you Seanymph! The little raspberry cane that could!

  3. hummmm...need to go out back and check raspberries....been a little preoccupied this week :(

  4. This summer's raspberries were affected by our heat spell - still enjoying them though...but no where near as many from last year. I did have enough extra berries to make a raspberry sauce for future cheesecakes.
    Blueberries did very well though...go figure?? Definitely a strange gardening season...tons of morning glory vines but no flowers.

  5. Yes, Carol, sending prayers and love your way!

    TO, it has been such a strange year. But like you we have vines yet no flowers. Maybe now that it's cooled down, they will start!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by.

  6. Dear LVL,

    I love "The Zen of Making Herbal Jelly." It sure put me in a zennish sphere.

    Love to you,


  7. It may not be too zennish when I do it on September 25th! Say prayers for me!

  8. Our raspberry bushes have gotten so they don't produce much at all. You might think it's because the canes are too old but we pulled out all the old ones and only let the new ones live. That was last year. When we first moved here 15 years ago we had so many and for the next 5 years, about, but now it's almost zilch. The blackberries, on the other hand, that we planted last year are producing like crazy and it turns out we got the thornless kind. Yay. So delish!

  9. Raspberries do need to be replaced periodically, Julie. Maybe now is the time. Glad you have blackberries and the thornless one as well! Yeah!


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Lemon Verbena Lady