
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Late Summer (OMG) Garden!

The native monarda (Monarda fistulosa) is blooming nicely.  It is leaning a bit trying to get the most sun.  We propped it up with some sticks and strings this afternoon.  We had some blooming when Jekka was here in June and now the late summer (OMG) plants are blooming away.  Having a long vacation in the middle of summer has thrown me completely for an herbal loop!  I'm slowly finding all of the weeds that were just about to bloom.  They can disguise themselves very well.  There was one weed in the raspberries that was at least 7-1/2' tall and had a stem like a small tree trunk.  Had to make sure I got that one out before it sprang forth and multiplied!  Rain tomorrow.  Hope to get my handouts for Seven Springs finished.  Will show you more garden photos tomorrow.


  1. It is midnight here in the northwoods and it is raining - will be sending it your way when we are done:o) Actually happy with it now - was getting on the dry side again.
    Our fields are filled with tansy and goldenrod in bloom - still lots of black eyed susans and the apples are turning...

    Have a good Sunday.

  2. My tansy is just about to bloom, TO, but my goldenrod is still not blooming! Can't wait for the fireworks! Got to go walk before it rains. Bye! Thanks for coming by!

  3. Thanks Cassy for your comment and for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady