
Monday, August 1, 2011

Filling in the Holes-Herbally Speaking!

Several germanders here, a couple of lavenders there, a French thyme, sweet marjoram, lemon verbena and basils as well.  I had some holes in the herb garden that had to be filled in and we went out and purchased some herbs to fill them.  We had a few casualties of the herbal kind and having herbal retail experiences lifts the spirits.  It is really hot here still.  Worked out in the garden this morning, but taking a small break this afternoon.  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later. 


  1. It is looking good, hope you are surviving the heat.

  2. You have more energy than me.... I have lots of holes that need filling and they will remain that way until this heat is gone... I just don't have the energy this year. So unlike me but how it is this year.

  3. We continue with very unusual heat and humidity too...what a summer.
    Amazing that you can find herbs at this point in the season...the advantage of living on the East Coast with more options.
    Our greenhouses are cleaned out and many have closed for the year. Much to short a time span. And sadly, all offer only the basics.
    You can grow germander...sigh, with envy. My zone envy continues.

  4. I had a few holes earlier that I filled also. My marjoram may have had too much water in the spring with all the rain we had and I lost a little of it so I added another plant beside it.

    We are getting ready for a heat wave later this week. Hope my plants make it through. Sending you a cool breeze!

  5. I'm wilting in the heat, Peggy! I'm 'cleaning' inside at the moment!

    We had a strange year as well, Carol, but The Herbal Husband keeps me motivated.

    We just found them in time, TO. They were probably going to finish selling them by this week. There are a lot of herbs I wish I could grow here so I have zone envy for those south of us!

    You live in such a great area for growing herbs, Carla! I would give anything to grow plants in a longer season!

    Thanks ladies as always for stopping by!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady