
Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Frosty Garden!

Just discussed with Taylorsoutback last night how green our garden was.  Well, TO it is going downhill fast!  This is this morning.  Frosty, man, frosty!
The birds have been having a field day with the seedheads of the coneflowers and rudbeckias.  A sad time, but as I always say I need a break from gardening.  Hope you have a great day.  I need to run and pack up the winners prizes. So I'll talk to you later.


  1. What a difference a day makes, still green and growing one day and frost, burned and on it's way out the next.

    I think if would be nice to be able to take a break from gardening.

    Enjoy your time off doing other things.


  2. Yes, it is pretty amazing, FlowerLady. I still have calendulas blooming as well. So I have pockets of green and then black. I will enjoy the break and hopefully share my adventures with you!

  3. Oh dear...looks like winter has definitely arrived...still there is beauty in the gray-greens of a herb garden when covered in frosty crystals. But, I sure do miss taking a stroll outside and brushing my hands amongst a sage or thyme plant...

    Guess you will be storing away the garden tools for a few months...

  4. Oh, TO, we have sticks and strings to put away. Sooo it is going to be good weather over the weekend. We'll be out getting those items in for the winter. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Oh, my. Looks like we may have our turn next week. A bit early for my liking...

  6. You are getting rain as well, TG! Stay dry!

  7. Hey dear Nancy,

    Promise me that you'll give yourself and Kathleen a big herbal hug from me. I would SO LOVE to sit, drink tea, and gab with you guys. Wouldn't it be fun?

    Sending love across the miles to a dear friend.



  8. Back again Dear Nancy...the sweet herbal napkins have arrived and will be tucked away until my first Spring lunch to welcome the new season...always try to do a herbal lunch for friends and the napkins will be perfect!

    Thank you so much.

  9. We'll have to make that happen. Maybe we should come to Maine and hangout. Wouldn't that be divine? xxoo Nancy

    Glad you like your napkins TO. They are the perfect accompaniment to an herbal luncheon. Enjoy them!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady