
Monday, December 5, 2011

Not Too Good At Multi-Tasking!

Yikes is it possible, we have less days to get finished what we need to get done before the holidays?  I'm just throwing that out in case you haven't started to panic yet.  We don't entertain much over the holidays so I'm just getting you motivated to get moving if you need to get in entertaining mode!  Hopefully, in the coming days I will share a holiday craft or two and maybe a new tea blend or two before Christmas comes for stocking stuffers.  Less than three weeks!

Have a little rose petal jelly, cream cheese and crackers in the meantime.  The consensus of The Herbal Husband and I was that this jelly needs a bit of help, like a tablespoon or two or rosewater.  I tried it all natural and my roses weren't quite fragrant enough to give the jelly flavor.  So if you're lucky enough to have roses still blooming, try the recipe at the link above, but add a tablespoon maybe two of rosewater.  So I'll get my act together and start those craft projects.  Still mild here.  Maybe that's why I'm not too in the holiday mood!  Talk to you later.


  1. Ah don't feel bad, even though I'm pretty much set here, it doesn't feel like Christmas, especially with all this rain!

  2. Thanks Peggy. That makes me feel better.

  3. You know what, I've ordered some Rugosa roses and they are said to be very fragrant. Plus they make rose hips. And they stand a better chance of surviving out here on Limestone Land than some of the other kinds of roses do.

    I will be glad for Christmas to be over. It has ceased to mean what it used to. It has become over-commercialized and has turned into a spending contest. I hope the pendulum will someday swing back the other way, with people spending the holidays in a calmer, more positive way. It's gotten so that you can't buy anything for a fair price throughout the rest of the year because merchants are trying to make up the difference for all their pre-Christmas deals. I just feel like everything has gotten so backwards. Most people don;t even think about the original reason for the holiday anymore.

  4. Hi Ilene, I do have a white rugosa rose that I moved so many times and it has finally bloomed. It is a very delicious rose to not only smell but eat. I always "Remember the reason for the season" phrase! We were in Toys R Us today buying something for a grandniece and people just had shopping carts full of toys! It's all too much! Thanks for coming by!

  5. The rose jelly looks beautiful. Perhaps I will get around to making some next year. I do have one rugosa that bloomed well for me this fall. Rugosas like much colder weather than we get here. I think it was happy the heat ended.

    I got my winnings yesterday. Thank you so much for my birdhouse pin.

  6. Add that rosewater if you make it TG. It will add more flavor.

  7. I agree, the holidays feel funny this year. Not sure why, weather, economy, media... Everything seems to be hyped even more than usual, with Black Friday starting even earlier and extended and pushed on us relentlessly.

    I got the herb jellies this week. Thanks Nancy! They are so beautiful! And tasty! Well, I haven't opened the horseradish one yet, but will use it with the next roast beef meal. The rose jelly is really nice on toast with tea at mid-morning.

  8. I'm so glad you received the jelly and like it. It is pretty yummy! Enjoy!


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Lemon Verbena Lady