
Thursday, December 8, 2011

One of My Favorite Christmas Books and Jello Molds!

This is one of my favorite books this time of year.  Marge Clark has written several cookbooks with comfort food and herbs always in mind.  This one is like being at her home in Indiana for the holidays.  Sadly, Marge (I feel like I knew her.) was killed in a car accident 12 years ago!  I have been working on my latest post for The Herb Companion and it involves this book and a couple of the craft recipes inside.  I'll leave you with this question what do herbal crafts and jello molds from the 50's have in common?
It has finally gotten COLD here, but cold is very relative because we were 60 degrees two days ago!  I know some of you have already shoveled SNOW!  Well, it is the holiday season.  Stay tuned tomorrow or Saturday I will be announcing a mega herbal spectacular giveaway!  You won't want to miss it!  Talk to you later.


  1. One of my favorite books to, Nancy - so many yummy and creative things in there!

    By the way - I am considering purchasing a plane ticket and in my checked luggage will be a pair of pruners...I will find a taxi to bring me to your house in the dark of night and I will clip multiple branches of holly to bring home! You will never know I was there :o)

    What a gorgeous shrub you have!!!

  2. I will stay tuned for your tips and herb giveaways. I see you love holly too; my article on holly is in the current issue of Grit Magazine. There is a holly for everyone, they are so varied.

  3. That looks like such a sweet book. My guess is an herbal ice ring for the jello mold.

    It got a little chilly here last night, but is supposed to be back up to 80 by Sunday. It doesn't feel like Christmas at all.

    A mega herbal giveaway, wow. I look forward to joining in on this one. :-) Thank you again for my sweet herbal napkins from the last giveaway. The pkg. of them is under our little Christmas tree, where they look very pretty.

    Keep warm and enjoy your herbal Christmas.


  4. Isn't Marge the best! I find I am always looking for a recipe in one of her books. In the big snow of 2010, the holly got damaged, but we trimmed out the bad bit and it has come roaring back. Funny now you have to pack all of those sharp objects! You're welcome any time, TO!

    There are so many different hollies, Terra! I need to look at your article in Grit. So much to do, so little time. Thanks for stopping by.

    FL, that's a good guess for a nice summer day, but I need you to think craft not edible. Well, there is only going to be one winner this time, but I'm sure if you win, you will enjoy it. Glad your napkins are a hit.

    Thanks ladies as always for stopping by!

  5. Can't wait for your new giveaway. Can a reader win more than once?


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady