
Thursday, December 8, 2011

OK, So Here is Another Hint!

Sort of a bad photo.  There are two mini ring molds now and they are filled with . . .  Remember they were used for individual jello salads at bridge club.  Ahh, I remember those days fondly.  Herbal ice rings were a good guess, but not correct.  This is not an edible project.  I'll be away for the day tomorrow, but tomorrow evening, we'll solve the mystery or you can keep guessing before hand.  These are so easy to do and it might help with your holiday decorating!  I've said enough!


  1. Bzzzzt ~ I was wrong. It will be interesting to see what is done here.

    It would be nice to have all of those lovely herbs to do something creative with.

    Have a great day tomorrow.


  2. Hmmm - I was thinking an herbal Advent wreath? But Advent has all ready maybe little herbal wreath rings to circle candlesticks?

    You have going on this one!!

  3. Hmmm I was thinking it is something for the animals to eat out doors? I've made things like that for the birds to eat :-)


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady