
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Herb Channeler for The Herb Companion

The latest post for The Herb Channeler is up on The Herb Companion website and it is called My Favorite Christmas Thyme Book and Dried Herb Wreaths, Part 1.  So there will be a Part 2 shortly!  You can check out how they turned out.   I do like the ones I made with the Jello molds a little better and I liked my herbie buddy in Maine who suggests using a canning lid and just make a hole big enough for a candle.  Then you can just take the lid out from the ring when it is dried!  Very clever, Joanne.  Thanks for the idea.  Getting packages ready to send.  Don't forget to enter the giveaway!  It will be gone in an instant!  Cold but sunny here.  Not typical 'Burgh weather.  My buddy, Miss C is in her annual Christmas band concert this evening.  Should be loud and festive!  Talk to you later.


  1. Thank you Nancy for the response...our blogging issue seems resolved, simply by clearing out the recent History - some kind of glitch...

    Off to your earlier post to find out about that giveaway!!

  2. Glad your problems are solved, TO! I couldn't have a giveaway and not have your entry! Take care.

  3. Those are really neat little herbal wreaths.


  4. Thanks, FL and they are very easy to do!

  5. sweetidea! I use my old herbs for the bee smoker:) The bees seem to really calm down better with old herbs as the base for the smoke:) Might have to use some to give my hand at making these wreaths though, as making homemade beeswax candles, so they would be so pretty together! big thanks for sharing xx


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Lemon Verbena Lady