
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Please Don't Miss The End of the Giveaway!

Even the bluejay is impatient waiting for the end of the giveaway!

and there's more.

One of my dedicated readers from the U.S. is going to win all of this loot!  So don't delay!  Click on the picture at the top right hand portion of my home page and enter!  Don't waste a comment here.  Go to the original post, please.  Please no anonymous comments!  Thanks.  The giveaway ends at 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, this Friday, December 16, 2011 so we can package up your prize and get it in the mail in time for Christmas!


  1. Time is getting short and the excitement mounts. Someone is going to be a very blessed winner with this prize.

    Have a great weekend Nancy.


  2. I am entering specifically to taste your horseradish jelly!!! YUM! lol! Trying to get caught up with you. You are one busy lady xxxx holiday hugs to you!

  3. Glad you are both entered! Thanks for playing along! You have been busy yourself, CC!


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Lemon Verbena Lady