
Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Always enjoy the holidays and not why you may expect!  It's the time for all of the wonderful seed catalogs to come through our mailbox.  Something different than junk for a change.  My latest post for The Herb Companion catalogs (get it!) my list of favorite and new favorite catalogs for purchasing herb seeds called Herb Seed Catalogs Mark the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.  Guess what?  I already got my first order in the mail today from the above catalog, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.  You can read about it at The Herb Companion, but here are the seeds I ordered:
From left to right on the top row are:  Janet Scott (very profuse blooming) pink sweet pea, Beaujolais (a rich, burgundy wine color) sweet pea and Blue Reflections (a mix of blue and white) sweet peas and a FREE tomato called Riesentraube.  On the bottom row from left to right is Elephant dill (late-flowering) that is productive, Sweet four o'clocks (delightful exotic fragrance), Jewel Peach Melba nasturtium (dwarf plants) and Dwarf Cherry Rose nasturtium (I have a theme going on with the nasturtiums!)  Have ordered more seeds.  So will share those with you as they come in.  Isn't it great?  Now I have to check out the seeds in our seed stash.  Mostly veggies.  I know you have one too!  So the snow will go bye bye for a while since our temperatures are going into the 40's.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Oh, I am so in love with these seeds you describe! I bought and planted 6 cilantro plants today; spring must be in the air. Two of my plants are on my kitchen window sill, and 4 on the patio.

  2. I was looking through my Bakers Seeds catalog today :0) Haven't ordered any yet....want to inventory that seed stash first . Realized I have to rethink my spaces for starting seeds....the kitties are into anything that has dirt in it. I have a vision of a makeshift green house in the basement with lots of lights.

  3. Ah, Baker's Creek, my favorite seed catalog!!

  4. I laughed out loud when I read the title of this post and then saw the pics. I am spending every free moment poring over my seed catalogs and dreaming. Right there with you!

  5. I am off to check your catalogue suggestions in a moment! Drooling over your flowers choices xxx The planning of new additions is so much fun.. sometimes more fun than the actual doing;-0! whoops! did i say that:) big hugs and thanks for sharing! xxx

  6. Terra, Lucky you in California with your cilantro plants. Although I need a break in the gardening cycle, some days (like today) I would like to be out planting.

    Hi Carol, I just went for it this year without checking. We were gone so much of last year that we needed fresh seeds. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    Hi Hensrule, I just joined your merry band and thanks for joining mine. Love your Wilma! I am excited to plant my Baker's Creek seeds.

    Thanks for stopping by Grace. I spent the day cleaning getting ready for company. The Herbal Husband likes it when we have company! So that took away from my time to look through my catalogs! It only takes one packet to get started! It's very addictive!

    Always happy when you stop by CC! Thanks for stopping over at The Herb Companion. xxoo Nancy

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  7. Only recently have I actually gotten to look at such catalogs. I never knew there were such things as white tomatoes! Or pink blueberries for that matter.

  8. Hi Kristina,

    Haven't had a white tomato either! Have had pink, green (delicious), black and purple, but haven't heard of white! I'm sure pink blueberries are tasty as well. We have enough fruit at the moment. I'll let you plant the pink blueberries! Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady