
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Well, Someone Finally Threw The Switch!

Well, Happy New Year 2012!  We finally have winter weather to report.  I went out to do some errands and barely got back home.  We had that wonderful lake effect snow, but it reminded me of New England!  I do love the winter sunsets when the sun is out.  Beautiful crisp colors.
Our house looks so different but in a good way with the white door.  The rhodies are the best thermometer this time of year.  Well, hope you are staying toasty in the northeast and even in the south. 
Looking at 2011 I didn't do a very good job blogging about herbs!  Very haphazard, herbally speaking.  Will try to do better this year.  Working on some tea combinations.  Will talk about them in the coming days.


  1. Snow! What is that stuff? Lol! That's how I always tell how cold it is the rhodies. No snow here yet, figures new slow bower waiting to be used...Alyssa of Boston Bee

  2. I thought of you today because it was coming down like we lived in Massachusetts! Thanks for stopping by, dear Alyssa!

  3. Well dear LVL, if I hadn't hit my head I wouldn't have known that I had a cancer that was growing rapidly and deeply. I'm sure a mess, but this has caused lots of inner growth.

    You are very special to me. Thanks dear friend.

    Sharon (We are LOVING the jewel-like jellies)

  4. Sending prayers across the US to you dear Sharon! I heard my jelly has very therapeutic value! xxoo Nancy

  5. We don't have snow but it sure got colder here!! They say it's going to warm back up by the weekend....I'm tired of the ups and downs....I"me missing real winter weather. I can't believe I just said that....LOL!

  6. Well you may not have posted about herbs as you intended, but you always write really interesting posts that I enjoy very much.
    A very Happy New Year to you.

  7. Oh, how well I remember Lake Effect Snow from the ten years we spent in Northern Indiana!

    I'm not much of a snow person, it's pretty at first, but then I'm ready for it to melt so I can get out and get on with my life. Thankfully, most of the time, that's how it happens in Oklahoma. But last year, we were snowed in under several feet of it for about three weeks.

  8. Oh, how lovely! That is something I dream of here in Atlanta. Stay warm.

  9. Hi Carol, I know you will get your chance at snow any time now!

    Thanks Tracey for your kind words!

    Hello Ilene, I almost got stuck yesterday and by the time I got the sun was out! It was a wild day!

    Grace you may get your chance! Global warming and all!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  10. Yes - knew our snow would move on to your neck of the woods....your house looks like a postcard though - so lovely.

    Stay warm...


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Lemon Verbena Lady