
Monday, January 16, 2012

More Herb Seed Catalogs in the Mailbox!

I decided to update my post for The Herb Companion called Herb Seed Catalogs Mark the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.  Here are the latest arrivals in my mailbox.

Select Seeds is one I have ordered from for a number of years from Connecticut.  They specialize seeds and plants of cottage annuals, flowering vines and fragrant flowers and scented leaves and perennials.  Also they have herbs and edibles and heirloom tomato selections  in both seeds and plants.

Horizon Herbs was one I found online from Google from Oregon.  They have a wide range of organic seeds and plants for spring and summer planting, cover crops, vegetables, culinary herbs and spices, Strictly Medicinal herbs, rare, historical, dye, cacti, odd and wonderful herbs, trees and shrubs.  You get the idea.  They have seeds of Medicine and Seeds of Sustenance.  Haven't order from Horizon yet!  See if it may have what you are looking for.

The last one in the mailbox is from one of my favorite international herb sellers, Richters in Goodwood, Ontario.  Their catalog is a great reference source for me.  They have the latest and greatest herb seeds and plants for sale.  They sell plants both by mail order for the United States and with the right paperwork, you can go to Canada and bring your herb plants home with you.  Going to do that someday soon!  All three of these catalogs have lots of different varieties that you may be looking.  Check them all out.

Well, we are cool not cold again.  Very odd winter so far.  Not complaining, but the plants are really confused!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. I love looking at seed catalogs!

  2. Don't you just, Sharon. Thanks for coming by!

  3. I got my first seed order Sat from Bakers Creek...!!!!! :0) :0) :0)
    The weather is definitely strange this year. It was 72° today and bright sunshine. I had to keep telling myself that is still Jan. and I can't go outside and plant seeds yet :0( Off to check out these new catalogs :0)

  4. Very exciting Carol! The weather is definitely strange. We were in the 50's earlier today and we are going into the 20's tonight with snow! Yes, it is tough to not want to plant them when it is so nice out! Stay warm or cool! xxoo Nancy

  5. Where in the world can I find a Lemon Verbena? I found one place online but they were not able to ship to California.

  6. Hi Sara,

    I did a post for the Herb Companion magazine (now Mother Earth Living) in April on Herb Farms. There are several from California. Here is a link for you:

    If you e-mail me and give me your location in California and an e-mail, I would be happy to try to find you a lemon verbena plant. Thanks for your question. Hope this information helps you. Nancy

  7. Hi, my question is not where to find the plant but where to find the seeds. Garden Seed Co. say they sell it but are out of stock. Any ideas besides New Zealand ;-), Thanks, Lynn

  8. Hi Lynn,

    I sent you a reply from your e-mail you sent. sells 10-15 lemon verbena seed for $11.90. They are out of stock at the moment. Usually seed companies sell plugs or plants of lemon verbena. Hope this helps you. Nancy


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady