
Friday, January 13, 2012

What a Difference a Day Makes!

It is so cold out!  As you can see, we didn't get the snow forecasted.  I guess you can say that's the good news, but the bad news is, IT'S FREEZING!  I didn't dare step outside.  That's why the photos are a bit blurry.  The wind chill is in the single digits here!  What a difference!  Hope you are staying warm and toasty wherever you may be or cool and comfortable if you are in the southern hemisphere.  It's laundry day so there was much moving in the basement of the herbal jungle!  I did a post about it back in November.  Here's a link.  Got to run.  Talk to you later.


  1. You are getting what we have. The wind is what's bad.

  2. It's turned colder here too, and it is a real shock to the system after the lovely mild weather.

  3. I really hate the wind, Peggy. Hope you stay warm.

    Tracey, it was so nice here. Not mild, but very unseasonal. Now real winter is here.

    Thanks for stopping by ladies.

  4. Too right! What a difference a day makes! I guess you can start watching my weather and seeing what is heading your way in the future:D Stay toasty dear! xxx

  5. Same here in northern Wisconsin LVL. A typical January - we did get more snow with drifting too. Snug in my sewing room tonight.

    Stay warm too!

  6. I guess I'll watch everyone's weather except for Tracey. She's a little too far to the east, but the rest of you ladies are right along the way! Thanks for stopping by CC and TO! Stay warm! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady