
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

3,777 Comments, My 1,000th Post and an Extra Day!

This has just been a crazy winter.  One day looks like this and the next day like this literally.
Well, on to the real message here.  I can't believe I have been blogging almost four years and have almost 3,800 comments and it's because of you my dear readers that I keep going.  So thank you so much for reading this mucky herbal mess.  You inspire me each and every day to keep writing.  Oh, BTW, at some point in the next few months, I'll be doing a big giveaway.  I'll just leave it at that.
This was picked last night from the garden.  It is salad burnet (very evergreen even for us) and mache.  Mache is very hardy in a winter garden with protection.  We have had 30 inches of snow, but sporadically.  Haven't needed much protection because of the moderate temperatures for the most part.
We are going to be close to 60 again today with thunderstorms.  A wild and wacky extra last day of February.

I'm getting The Herbal Husband ready to go to his homeland of Peru or maybe he's getting me ready.  He runs the ship here.  I'm truly along for the ride most days!  I've got to get my notebook dusted off and take notes for the feeding of birds and the watering of the indoor plants.  Start saying prayers that I don't kill anything!  It's tough to take over when one person does the watering.  As I have said we water differently!  Just keep those digits crossed that I can keep them alive!

I'm trying to get my herb lists done for you and it has taken longer than expected.  It may be next week (after the departure of THH) before I start posting them.  I want to make sure they are complete and correct as possible.  So thanks for your support and comments.  Here's hoping for another 1,000 posts!


  1. 1000 posts! Congrats! We're just shy of 1000 by about 70 more posts!
    Keep on bloggin'...

  2. That's a lot of post :0) I guess we'll have to send you reminders to take care of everything while THH is away :0)

  3. Congratulations Nancy! That rocks! I have never grown/tasted mache before... I guess I should look that up:) Good luck keeping the plants tip top till herbal hubby returns. Dang, I wish I lived closer! We could do an all night herbal/ladies gab fest and wouldn't keep him awake! lol! big hugs xoxxo

  4. Thanks ladies for the support and inspiration! xxoo Nancy


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady