
Thursday, March 1, 2012

One of My Favorite Herb Catalogs Has Arrived!

I know the world is OK if my Rosemary House herb catalog arrives in the mail.  It is very comforting to know that The Rosemary House started in 1968 is still going strong.  Bertha Reppert would be pleased.  They have great classes, bus trips, products, plants, gardens to visit and with Nancy and Sweet Remembrances they have special tea events going on all year.  They are two of my favorite rosemarys!  Remember The Rosemary House and Sweet Remembrances if you are in the area of central Pennsylvania near Gettysburg or Harrisburg.  It is worth a visit!  Hopefully my herb companion, Bonnie and I will be able to take a bus trip and have tea with Nancy later this summer!


  1. I'm going to have to order one of their catalogs! My hubby and I may be heading East this summer and Gettysburg will be on the travel map :0) What's a little detour ;0)

  2. Always such sweet words, Nancy. Thank you!

  3. Oh, you will be in the neighborhood, Carol. Have to work out a plan where you go to Rosemary House for a class and then have tea with Nancy the next day! Fabulous!

    It's from the heart, Rosemarys!

  4. On my Bucket List to go meet this lovely ladies and have tea! Want to swing by and snag you for that trip Nancy :) xxx


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Lemon Verbena Lady