
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cat Solution Not Working!:( March Has Turned to May-arch!

Well, came out in the front garden and found a pile of poop!  Orange peel not working as well.  When The Herbal Husband comes back, we will have to come up with another game plan.  The weather is more like May than March.  Looks like we are going to have rain this afternoon.  Good, I can watch the Pens and the Flyers!  Hope you are having great weather.  Talk to you later.


  1. I have been told to go to the zoo and get "big cat" poop. We've never had a problem with cats, so I've never tried it, but others have said it works.

  2. Good luck on your cat problem. Could it be a raccoon or a skunk?

  3. Well, I've been out of touch lately, but I do sprinkle cayenne pepper into newly turned beds, also I lay chicken wire down, newspaper sheets (damp), and tinfoil. That's my two cents worth.



  4. I've used the cayenne pepper and it works for me. With both cats and dogs.

  5. I've read in an aromatherapy book I have that it's the citrus fruit that cats can't stand, not the peel. They actually like the smell of the peel (and orange oil, which comes from the peel).

  6. I will have to try the pepper! We have 2 cats that come here, I'm afraid to let the dogs out of the fenced in area for fear they won't come back once after the!

  7. Unfortunately the pepper didn't work for us. I know Sharon they don't like to step on various types of items. I'm not sure I can give up my orange, Kristina. Will have to think about that one! Thanks ladies for the support.

  8. BTW, Terra, I don't think it was either of those, but maybe because it wasn't buried, it might be. I think one of them has Tootsie Roll kind of poop, but I can't find my scat sheet at the moment. I'll let you know.

  9. I think you might be falsely accusing your neighborhood kitty if it wasn't covered, Nancy...Spreading around any sort of food might actually have drawn raccoon or you know those cheap plastic runners you can have cut off a big roll at home improvement centers? you could place some pieces of that pointy side up in the spots that are being disturbed... that might persuade them to go to another yard, whoever the culprit is. just an idea! good luck!! xxx

  10. Well, Les, the orange is just composting into the ground. Not all cats I hear bury their poop and I think this one was mad that I had chased it from the back of the yard and it just wanted to make a statement and it smelled bad. In my experience skunk and raccoon poop doesn't smell. On the other hand, your idea of the runner at Home Depot may be something to look into. Although some of the areas where they are pooping have plants coming up maybe sooner than later. xxoo Nancy

  11. Well maybe you are right, and kitty was saying "well pooh on you!" lol! Dang it, that is so frustrating I realize. Yes, give the runner idea a go and let me know if it helps!I see your blog has changed over (without our permission) and now we don't have a button for commentors to check to be notified of follow up comments! I wrote blogger and haven't got a response. Had you noticed? Since I won't be notified of your response to this, I will just come check later! Frustrating!! love and hugs to you

  12. I do think the orange peel is helping and chasing them out (Keeps me thin and tired!) and the neighbor has quit feeding them and she is right next door. So they were having a meal and then coming next door and pooping! Blogger is being ridiculous! Please prove you're not a robot! I can't read half of the words! I guess I'm a robot! Ha! Thanks for your support, CC! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady