
Monday, March 19, 2012

Some Views of Spring Before Spring Comes!

'Tete a tete' daffodils

Part of "The Works" from White Flower Farm

A White Rugosa Rose leafing out!

A 'Dublin Bay' Rose leafing out!
A Primula of Some Kind!

Pieris japonica in full bloom
Daffodils Coming in Bloom This Morning!
Some views of the garden before the 80 degree days come.  That really will take a toll on the daffodils.  Getting very green after the nice and warm St. Patrick's Day we had!  It is just silly and ridiculous and I hope this doesn't lead to an overly hot or cool summer!  Well, I'll enjoy it while it is here.  Thanks for all of the thoughts on the cat issue.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. It looks like your garden is coming along nicely. Mine looks pretty similar right now. I like to leave the leaves in my beds too. Makes a nice cozy blanket for all my plants.

  2. I did a walk about this morning and took pictures of all the blooms and bud. Will probably post them tomorrow.

  3. Yes, Debbie, it used to be a lot more work to spring into the growing season. Now we just leave the leaves alone and it provides moisture.

    I'll look forward to seeing your photos, Carol.

    Thanks for stopping by ladies!

  4. Here in NE Ohio, we are in full bloom it is gorgeous, and I hope it lingers awhile. The Dogwoods,and Forsythia,Magnolia all so pretty, my hyacynths are in full flower bloom, I must cut one to bring that springtime aroma into my homestead...One of my favorites. I saw a wild turkey on my street once, didn't have the camera, never saw it again..but it does make you take a second and even third look, catches you off guard.


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Lemon Verbena Lady