
Friday, March 23, 2012

Don't Want You to Miss What's Going on in the Neighborhood!

I took my walk in two parts today, half of it was early and then the other half around lunchtime.  I wanted to take photos of the trees blooming in the neighborhood that The Herbal Husband might not see when he gets back on Wednesday.  The magnolias and weeping cherries are just fabulous this year.  The last photo is of a electrical transformer that a woodpecker is using to (I think) try and drum up a mate!  An original.  Got so much work out in the garden that I thought I would come in and blog for you!  Rain overnight and through the weekend and cooler temperatures.  Sorry don't like 70's and 80's in March.  This is unpredictable like March can be but I like my cool weather until it's time for warm and hot!  I'll see you again.  You know where I'm going.  Out to the garden.  Talk to you later.


  1. Oh the weeping cherries are so lovely. We are having normal temperatures (finally) now and rain coming this weekend.

    Love the woodpeckers new mating drum!

  2. I can't believe they're blooming now, but I CAN BELIEVE about the woodpecker. Yep, showing off for a mate.

    We're hoping for rain this weekend. Our rain totals are so low and I worry about our trees, water table, etc.

    Love to you and yours,


  3. I love those weeping cherries. How wonderful it would be to see them in person.

    Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

  4. Seems soo weird seeing on blogs spring... I do soo love spring.
    Would love to see a woodpecker one day.
    Love leanne

  5. Those trees are so beautiful!!!! Everything here is blooming already too .


  6. 'Tis the season for drumming or maybe it's early as well! Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  7. We are too hot too and my bees are putting in nectar for honey already. I usually don't have to put on honey supers till late April! Crazy! xxxx

  8. Our high temps finally got knocked down a bit, will be back up this weekend, though.

    Those flowers are beautiful and that woodpecker is a hoot. Hope to get some wildflower touring on Saturday. They are at least 6 weeks early for us this year.

  9. Unbelievable CC! Fortunately it is cooling down to where we may have a frost/freeze Monday! Yikes! There go the trees. My Japanese maple may lose its leaves!

    Yes, TG, our wildflowers are coming and going at a rapid rate!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady