
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Going Around the World at Phipps!

The World as a Topiary at the Phipps Entrance

The United Nations of Flags

The Welcoming Image in the Palm Court

French Polynesian flare in the Serpentine Room
The Ferns were thriving in the heat

And So were the orchids!
The Crotons were even in bloom!

Homage to Holland and the Fragrance Was Amazing!
The Tropical Rain Forest Highlights India

Lots of Interactive Displays for Learning

Of course I had to find an herbal arrangement of rosemary, celery and lemon thyme!

The Tranquil Japanese Garden

Chihuly in the Desert Room
Lots more to see at the Spring Flower Show at Phipps through April 15, 2012.  The flowers were being changed out in the entrance exhibits because of all of the warm weather we've been having!  We also went over to another treasure that I have talked about before, The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation.  They have an exhibit called Pennsylvania Native, A Wildflower Walk through June 29, 2012 in cooperation with the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.  It is a very interesting display of both wildflower drawings and the process of making an herbarium.  Need to go see the Herbarium at the Carnegie some day.  Well, the rain has arrived.  It is a bit cooler, but it will cool down even more tomorrow.  Hope you are having a great day.  I have a few things to "clean up" before The Herbal Husband gets home.  Talk to you later.


  1. Oh, Nancy! This post is making me sooooo homesick. I want to jump on a plane and fly home to Pgh and visit Phipp's. It is such a wonderful conservatory. Maybe I'll try for a quick trip this spring? So glad you had a nice time!

  2. Hope you get here, Penny! It's a great place. xxoo Nancy

  3. How fabulous, Nancy! Would love to visit someday:) I saw a Chihuly exhibit once and oh my, such beautiful pieces! We have lilacs in bloom and the maples are getting their seed "helicopters" at the river today! Wow, is this really only March? xxx

  4. It is all going to come crashing down this evening, Leslie! 25 degrees! There go all of the perennials that are up! Yikes! Thanks for coming by, dear! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady