
Sunday, April 15, 2012

I'm Stumped (Non-herbal Question)!

The Herbal Husband found these branches lying around the base of our Norway maple in the back.  It's hard to see but they look like some kind of fungi.  Tried "Googling" them and couldn't come up with anything.  The fungi (not necessarily these in the photo) appear often around the base of the trunk of a tree that's dying.  These are on the branches that are dead.  Maybe the fungi just like the decaying bark to form.  If you have had a similar experience, please let me know.  It is a beautiful warm day outside and here I am inside working on my posts for The Herb Companion!  I'll get outside eventually.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. Try asking your local county extension office, Nancy. They are a great resource for mysterious things! I don't have a clue myself! xxxx

  2. I used to volunteer for them, CC! I should know! Ha! Thanks for reminding me! xxoo Nancy

  3. I don't see it growing other places on the rest of the tree so I think my guess is probably a good one. Thanks as always CC for stopping by! XXOO Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady