
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Was Outside Looking Around!

Lady's Mantle in its Second Season!

Golden Oregano and 'Walker's Low' Catmint in Bloom!

This is Why An Outdoor Cat is Necessary!  Darn Chipmunk!  Making Holes Under Plants!

Strawberries in Bloom Already!

Mystery Plant!  Probably a Weed, but I've Been Wrong Before!
We were out briefly in the yard surveying what's coming up and what's left to do!  Lots and lots more!  So instead of working outside, we are going to the movies and out to our favorite restaurant later.  Supposed to storm!  Always fun dashing through the raindrops.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. It always happens - as soon as you pull that "mystery plant" out and discard it, oh no! Perhaps a volunteer of a favorite?? I have little happy pansies springing up all over right now - thanks to the mice or birds???

  2. Yes, it always happens to me as well, TO! I'll let you know what I find!

  3. i can't believe you just said the outside kitty was useful! lol! xxx

  4. Yes, I know. The Herbal Husband said today don't chase the cat, I'm seeing moles in your garden! So much for cat patrol! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady