
Friday, June 8, 2012

A Hedge of Borage!

I just want to show you what an herbal space hog that borage can be!  I love the cucumber flavored edible flowers.  I have a few seedling coming up in my herb garden that I have to compost because they will get much too big.  The young leaves are OK for salads.  When the leaves are big, they have the fuzzies and are not very tender.  Also borage in large amounts is not a good thing.  Another blog called Root Simple had this post about Borage:  It's what's for dinner.  In my case my lettuce and other greens are behind the "hedge."  My master gardening friend, Shelley, thinks that the hedge is protecting from the deer browsing my peas and other greens.  Maybe so.  Again, inside when I should be outside.  Hope you have had a great day.  I will be having a Second Chance drawing for the remaining Herb Companion magazines later this evening and you will see the results here on this post.  If you commented on the original magazine post and didn't win the first time, you will have another chance tonight.  Sorry comments are closed.  Stay tuned. Talk to you later.


  1. very jealous!!! my ducks ate my borage 3 times! i have no more seeds and the nursery is out of plants:( darn it!!! big hugs

  2. I soo like the idea of borage as a hedge. Borage is growing so well at random in one of my vege gardens i might just move them to the edge. Thanks I love this idea!
    love leanne

  3. Clever you, Nancy - sounds like a perfect hedge for next summer...our deer are becoming quite brazen and after 16 years, we finally put up a fence around all the raised beds in the veggie garden. So the deer have their little noses out of joint and are eating my hostas around the edge of the front garden - out of spite I think!!

    My lone borage plant looks so forlorn compared to yours!

  4. I knew I forgot to plant something this year! It's the Borage :0(

  5. Thanks ladies! We have the magic touch when it comes to borage. I even have white borage seeds that I haven't had time to plant. Maybe next year!

  6. I grew some of this a few years back to put in my Pimm's! I had no idea it grew so large, so I put it near the front of the border, expecting dainty plants. Must remember to read package descriptions in future. I do like it the way you have grown it. I should give it another go in the right place.

  7. I grew borage a couple of times from seed. I loved the delicate cucumber flavor, the lovely blue of the flowers. You sure have quite the hedge of them. Did you grow these from seed?

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

  8. I love the flowers of borage. Mine use to come back from seed, but it hasn't in a while.


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Lemon Verbena Lady