
Friday, June 8, 2012

Second Chance Magazine Winners!

After a week of waiting and not hearing from the last two winners of the first drawing, we pulled out the cheese making basket to keep trying for winners.  The Herbal Husband drew these two names:


These two ladies have been faithful readers of my blog for a long time.  So I'm thrilled to have them win.  Please ladies you know the drill.  Send me your mailing information and I'll get them in the mail to you.  Maybe tomorrow if you are quick!  Congratulations!  I have everyone's information now and the last magazine will be in the mail tomorrow!  Thanks for participating!


  1. What a delightful surprise this morning to find out I'm a winner after all.

    Thank you and I sent to an email and just now realized I need to send another one because I forgot to send my snail mail addy. :-)


  2. You are very enjoyable FL! Glad you won! xxoo Nancy

  3. They missed an absolute gem of a prize, glad I didn't xxx Can I ask about the basket, is it made from herbs how did you do it, if you've already posted about it I apologise, just point me nosey nose in the right direction lol!

    Herby hugs - D xxx

  4. No I don't think it is herbs. It is what a basket is usually made of reeds Debs. It was a gift or a take this I don't want to pack it as they were leaving for Europe gift. My understanding is that it is a Greek cheese making basket and you twist it back and forth and the curd stays in the basket and the liquid is filtered out. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! I really don't have any idea if I'm right. It is just a great size of basket to pick names from! xxoo Nancy

  5. LOL, I'm not wondering about making something similar using lavender stems or some other herbal stems! There's an article in Herbs (the UK journal of the Herb Society) from a couple of years ago about making little baskets, mayhap I'll take a look at it again and see what I can create! Busily knitting 'face cloths' with bamboo cotton at the moment for xmas gifts in a variety of ice cream colours to go with the french soaps we'll bring back from our hols, so weaving can wait for a little while, but it's on my to do list now lol! Thanks for sharing! xxx

  6. You are so creative Debs! I'm sure you will come up with something and share it! Won't you?:) xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady